Life Strategist, Master Trainer, Strength Coach, and much more, Nick has been in the fitness game for over 20 years and has seen it all. Nick has developed the NattFitness Foundation around the same strategies he used to strengthen his own mind, develop a pro-level physique, and achieve long lasting results!
Mission: To use practical application of self-development, psychology, fitness, nutrition, and community growth to demonstrate EXACLTY how ANYONE can shatter limiting beliefs of self-doubt and destruction and achieve anything they set out to accomplish within the realm of human potential.

“I always had the desire to do more, become more, and work for it! I started out over 200 pounds and over 20% body fat was able to drop over 15% body fat and lost over 30lbs total to bring in a physique I was very proud of."

"Nick and I started working together shortly after quarantine in Denver. I got involved in the Abs, Energy and Confidence program. I began seeing results faster than ever. The connection was made, trust was built, and the goals were set."

“When my doctor told me, I needed to lose weight and work on my cardio health, I decided to take it seriously. I also had my own personal goal of rock climbing at a higher level. With the help of Nick Natt, I was provided all of the tools and guidance needed to achieve both of those goals with results that far outperformed my expectations.”

“My fitness Journey has and continues to be ongoing, and much of my success is due to help my coach, my friend, and one of my inspirations Nick Natt. He has helped me through the many obstacles and hurdles of competing in Men’s physique."
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Send Nick an email: nnatt33@gmail.com
Success in anything is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. Natt’s unique and unorthodox approach to training places a premium on mastering your mindset so that you can master all areas of your life.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments or if you would like to send me a message. You can also connect with me on social!
Facebook: facebook.com/NattFit33Instagram: instagram.com/nattfitness_33
YouTube: Natt Fitness
Podcast: NattFitness Podcast